Elements of Commercial Interior Design to be Aware Of

Have you ever thought to yourself “what does my business space look like to other people? What sort of impression do they get by looking at it and being in it?”.

Whatever establishment you enter, whether it be a hotel, restaurant, or office branch, your brain forms a general impression of the area by its design. It’s common for business owners to be so consumed by other business matters to barely consider these simple queries. Your commercial interior design is immensely important to your potential customers, existing customers and even your employees!

Our team at JDG would like to share a number of the most important elements of commercial interior design with you. This is for you to regard while considering any possible future redesign plans.


Without understanding the essentials of your available space, other design elements and ideas can fall apart. Your available space is the foundation of commercial interior design. A professional designer must be aware of the square footage, dimensions and utilities. Remember your space refers to wall and ceiling height as well, not just the floor (Length x Width).

Similar to not wanting to overload a new apartment space with too much furniture, understanding your commercial space will help guide your design plan.


Incorporating both natural and artificial lighting is a must-have for commercial spaces. People are naturally drawn to warmly lit spaces and it plays a huge factor in commercial interior design. Depending on the lighting used, you can make areas feel smaller and intimate or larger and unrestricted.

Lighting comes in the forms of natural and artificial light. Natural lighting refers to sunlight which can come through windows, skylights, or glass shields. Artificial lighting is produced by any light source that uses energy (Fireplaces, ceiling lights etc.). This type of lighting can be remarkably effective in creating a certain mood or atmosphere. For example, an office space would use a vastly different source of artificial lighting than a fancy restaurant with outdoor seating. The former would be suited for more task-oriented lighting to keep employees alert and focused, whereas the latter may use a subtle, warmer tone for customers under the night sky.


Selecting the right colours and patterns can make your commercial space unique and come to life. For commercial interior design, colours are chosen to follow a company’s theme and help stimulate the feelings of a brand.

Colour theory has been studied extensively by designers. Different colours provoke various emotions and reactions. Here are some examples of a few colours and their common associations.

  • Red: Red is a hot colour. It has a range of ties from violence, danger and fire, to importance, passion and love. This colour can become overwhelming quickly if overused in design.
  • Orange: Snappy and energetic, orange can be associated with autumn, creativity and change. It’s also related to health and wellness because of the familiar fruit with the same name.
  • Yellow: Joyous and playful, it’s widely considered the brightest colour. It can be associated with cowardice and caution but also happiness, youth and hope.
  • Green: Green is often associated with harmony and nature. It’s used in design elements related to stability, wealth, eco-friendliness, and renewal.
  • Blue: A popular colour, blue can mean a lot depending on its shade. Dark blue represents stability, security, strength, spirituality and reliability. Light blues are more relaxed, whereas bright blues are viewed as refreshing.
  • Purple: Purple is attributed to traits seen in blues and reds, plus creativity and imagination. The colour used to be expensive to obtain, which makes purple highly associated with luxury, royalty and sophistication.
  • Neutral Colours: Black, grey, white, brown and tan are considered neutral colours and are effective as backdrops in designs. They can also be used on their own to create stunning design layouts. Black portrays elegance, power, mystery and formality whereas white is associated with purity, virtue, health and cleanliness.


Your business relies on several pieces of technology to operate. Retailers, offices and restaurants use computers for communication, checkouts, and other work functions.

Commercial interior designers understand the importance of space functionality. They have the experience to seamlessly implement your business’ technology into the design. You may need proper pod areas for computer work or perhaps projectors and media players for board rooms. Ensure your design plan considers everyone using the space including employees, guests and customers.


After reading this article, you should get a basic grasp of commercial interior design. How do you feel about your own company’s design? Do you think your commercial space may need a fresh redesign?

We’d like to be a partner in the process with you. Feel free to reach out to us at JDG for a free consultation.

If you work in an office and want more advice on design pointers, make sure to see our previous blog on office interior design trends to transform your space.

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