Creating a Concept for Your Target Market

From a business perspective, target markets differ based on several factors, like industry, location, and services offered. As Interior Designers, it is our responsibility to develop an interior design concept that connects the values and goals of the business to its guests, customers, and staff.


The first step in creating a design that tailors to a specific demographic is defining the target market. Several factors, such as their purchasing behaviours, interests, and more, play into who these people are.

In addition to demographic data, consumers differ in interests; these are key data points within your audience research because they establish personas for the types of consumers you are trying to target. Interior design is scientific in a way where we are combining various elements from different realms to find the perfect formula. This is especially prevalent during the design development stages when creating a concept for a business and its target market. Research plays a major role in the process; from that point on, you utilize interior design principles to target the market you’ve identified.

Aspects of the target audience that you will want to identify include:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Income Level
  • Location of Residence
  • Interests

Interior design is conceptual, dynamic, and personal; it tells a story to the audience. When you think of the target market as a whole, you have to consider what their thoughts and behaviours are. The data you’ve identified needs to inform the design decisions you are making.


Think about what the existing industry looks like and delve further into the different sectors. For example, consider what restaurants are in the nearby area. What are their consumers like?
Research your competitors to find out what elements of their interior design make their space successful, and what draws in the same demographic that you are looking to attract. It is also beneficial to look at their reviews for specific learning opportunities. Especially in the retail and hospitality industry, reviews are vital for getting a glimpse into what the consumers’ needs are.

Competitors come in many forms; some are based on location, and some refer to the industry. By understanding your competitors’ pros and cons, your business has the potential to elevate on such.


Once you have conducted thorough research to define your target audience and industry, the next step is to carry those findings into the design process. Draw inspiration from your target audience when making design decisions. Whether you are selecting finishes, light fixtures, or developing a layout, always consider your target audience and their needs.

Form and functionality work together to build a seamless atmosphere, one that is easy to navigate and meets the user’s needs. It’s vital that you establish your target market before developing the form and function of the space because the different elements (like location, age, and interests) will inform the design. This part of the process is very similar to branding – it’s all about creating an environment that fits the target market.

Read more about the importance of form and functionality in interior design


Dish and Duer / Designed by JDG / Photo by Fyfe Photography

When crafting a concept, it is important to focus on how the space will directly benefit the target demographic. How will they feel? How will it make their experience easy? What message are you sending them? There will always be variation amongst your audience, so your plan needs to address the larger majority.


It’s a given that when the business takes off, you will begin seeing different elements that will need to be updated or revised in some way. This is normal; it’s all about adaptability. Consumers will appreciate the renovation for being considerate towards their needs and the rejuvenation of the experience.

Updating a concept keeps the design fresh. Whether for form, functionality, or based on the clients’ preferences. An interior design concept is ever-changing.

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